Why do you think you were selected as a winner? Why in this nomination?
The average age of lawyers in Uzbekistan is high and I believe that our country needs young lawyers. I want people's confidence in lawyers to increase, for people to respect the legal profession, and not be seen as "fraudsters", but as people who fight for the interests of the client.
When I meet with students of the Faculty of Law, I give them information about the legal profession and explain why it is suitable for young people. I am often invited there and I have been closely cooperating with and guiding young people in the legal profession. I also work with the "Youth Agency" and provide free legal assistance to young entrepreneurs. I believe that is the reason I have been selected as the winner.
Why did you choose to become a lawyer?
I started my journey as a lawyer in 2016. Then I worked at the Ministry of Justice, but still came back to the profession of a defense lawyer. What attracted me most to the profession was the freedom. You set your schedule and decide which jobs to take and which defense strategies to use. In my opinion, being a lawyer offers more professional independence than any other legal profession. It makes me fulfilled and confident. I enjoy further developing my knowledge and skills. Through this, I feel that I can have a positive impact on those around me and on society. I know that this is my contribution to society. I could call it my “IKIGAI” - a Japanese concept with 4 main elements: what I like to do, why I'm useful, what I'm good at, and what I can do to make money.
What are you most proud of?
I am proud of the acquittals I have achieved. I am proud to see people get out of jail and move on with their lives with my legal help. I’m particularly proud of the case about the rector and vice-rector of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute. In 2018, he was indicted and in 2021, he was acquitted and reinstated. I participated in this case as a lawyer. It feels like giving life back to the person and his family.
Why do you do your job, what motivates you?
What motivates me the most is the trust of my loved ones and those under my protection. My clients trust me with their life and future. In addition, knowing that I am contributing to the development of the legal system at the national level gives me additional motivation.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
One of the main challenges is dealing with government officials and investigators who are not fully qualified or do not understand the procedures. Because of such people, the person under my protection may stay in prison for a long time, or the work may not be completed.
The second problem I want to highlight is the lack of trust in lawyers among people. Young lawyers are working to restore confidence in our profession and encouraging more young people to join the legal profession would improve that as well as our performance.
What is your biggest professional achievement or success that you would like people to know about?
As a lawyer, I focus on two main areas of law - business law and human rights protection. I have achieved a lot, for example, I was able to solve a tax problem for the benefit of several businesses and got 8 acquittals.
How does your work impact society in your opinion? Is there a specific example?
I worked with vulnerable youth that did not have their educational fees covered by their guardians or the government. I was able to resolve the matter in the best interest of the children. I also helped more than 50 entrepreneurs who set up small businesses (e. g. trading stores) with getting the necessary documents to continue their activities.
Why did you apply to this competition?
Because I have attained achievements that should be seen by others and recognized as useful for society. I applied because I felt that I was a strong candidate.