A 5-day workshop for executive staff at TSUL kicked off on 23 April following university’s commitment to strengthen its quality assurance system. Guiding them through the journey were Dr. Yue Song, QAA Specialist, and Ms. Jennifer Taylor, Assessment Services Manager, with the support of Regional Dialogue, TSUL and US State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.
The workshop on Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education for the Tashkent State University of Law executive staff was designed to expose participants to certification requirements and prepare them for the quality assurance process. The experts discussed international accreditation, in particular, its stages and procedures, 10 ESG and compliance indicators, the development of self-evaluation documents and similar. The participants shared that “if in the beginning we were voicing more general ideas, today we can see that our feedbacks bear more clarity and understanding of the work ahead of us which is immense and challenging. We would like to express our gratitude to the organizers and experts who were leading and guiding us through the intricacies of the QA process.”