Discussion on Intersectoral Dialogue and Collaboration for Effective Public Sector Reforms
Discussion on Intersectoral Dialogue and Collaboration for Effective Public Sector Reforms

Regional Dialogue participated in the Discussion on Intersectoral Dialogue and Collaboration for Effective Public Sector Reforms in Uzbekistan, organized by the Yuksalish Nationwide Movement and GIZ on 15 November 2023, in Tashkent. The event brought together representatives of the government, parliament, NGOs and civil society institutions, donors, and international organizations operating in Uzbekistan. The speakers highlighted the crucial role of government bodies collaborating with civil society directives in advancing administrative and economic reforms within the country, particularly at the regional level. During her address, Regional Dialogue Director Mjuša Sever stressed the significance of public engagement in the reform process and called for more open and better communication between the government and NGOs.

International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Department Of State EU