Three of our recommendations in obstetrics have been considered and included in the draft Presidential Resolution On the introduction of modern management methods to the activity of republican maternity complexes and approval of the Program of additional measures for the protection of motherhood and childhood.
Below is the list of provisions, that reflect the recommendations provided by the Assessment of Integrity and Corruption Risks in Obstetrics Provision.
- Ministry of Health (A. Khudayarov), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (O. Fozilkarimov) together with the State Medical Insurance Fund (Z. Ermatov) take measures to attract non-governmental medical organizations to the delivery services from January 1, 2025.
- Taking into account that starting from July 1, 2024, care for pregnant women in all primary medical institutions, guaranteed childbirth assistance measures in regional, city and district maternity institutions will be fully covered by the state, and medical assistance provided to pregnant and giving birth women who apply from other regions will be provided on a paid basis with the exception of urgent and unavoidable cases and those who apply with the policy.
- Starting from 2025, it should be ensured that the costs incurred for medical services provided to women in maternity institutions established on the basis of private and public-private partnerships will be covered by the budget and the funds of the state medical insurance fund, based on the number of births (per treated case) and the results of the work performed, as well as within the guaranteed package. The services not included in the guaranteed packages should be provided on a paid basis.
You can find the full report here.
This project is supported by Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and implemented in cooperation with Nationwide Movement Yuksalish.