Enhancing the Role of Public Councils at Ministries and Departments in the Fight Against Corruption
Enhancing the Role of Public Councils at Ministries and Departments in the Fight Against Corruption

Regional Dialogue, in collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, hosted a two-day workshop on "Enhancing the Role of Public Councils at Ministries and Departments in the Fight Against Corruption" on February 23-24 in the Tashkent region. The training introduced participants to legal frameworks and best practices in anti-corruption monitoring of public institutions, especially the importance of the public council which is a valuable tool in implementing public control, as it was emphasized by Regional Dialogue legal expert Goran Klemenčič. The event will serve as a platform for establishing a better cooperation and developing future plans between the Anti-Corruption Agency and public councils under ministries and agencies in the fight against corruption.

International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Department Of State EU