In 2020-2021 RD together with Yuksalish launched a joint corruption research project aimed at assessing corruption and integrity risks in the process of admission to primary schools. The project has also become the platform for the creation of the so called AC Laboratories, the goal of which is to continue assessing corruption and integrity risks in various spheres of the public and, potentially, private sector in a continuous manner. The outcomes of the first project have already resounded in several proposals for public sector reforms, one of which is the creation of the open budget for schools. RD is glad to present a final report of the first project that is available now in three languages both on Yukslish' and RD web-sites. The final report discusses in detail what are the corruption and integrity risk factors in the process of admissions to the primary schools that drive the stakeholders in this process towards demonstrating corrupt conduct or breaching professional integrity. The report also contains recommendations how to minimise the influence of these risk factors to prevent corrupt conduct and breaches of integrity.