Prosecutor General's Office celebrates 30th Anniversary with Conference
Prosecutor General's Office celebrates 30th Anniversary with Conference

On 16 December 2021 Regional Dialogue attended the international conference on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PGO of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was divided into a morning plenary session on the Prospects for the development of the foundation of the organization and activities of the Prosecutor General’s Office, and two afternoon parallel sessions: On the Role of the Prosecutor's Office in Ensuring the Rights of Citizens, Interests of the State and Socieaty, and On the Role of the Prosecutor's Office in Combatting Crime. The conference was attended by the members of the Parliament, Supreme Court, Supreme School of Judges, academia, and more than 30 international organizations and peer PG offices from the region. Opening remarks were made by Nigmatilla Yuldashev (PG), Sadyk Safayev (Senate), Cheol-Kyu Hwang (IAP), Vladimir Zimin (CIS PG Coordination Council), Pierre von Arx (OSCE), Koen Marquering (UNODC), Mjusa Sever (RD), Munir Mammadzade (UNICEF), Alexandros Makarigakis (UNESCO), Kozimjan Kamilov (SC), and Rustam Davletov (MoJ). All speakers underlined the role of PGO not only in protection of public rights and interests, but also in anti-corruption and crime prevention. In her remarks, RD Director Mjusa Sever emphasized the role of prosecutors as role models for professional integrity before other public servants and citizens.

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