Roundtable on Workshops for Conducting Plea Agreements in the Regions
Roundtable on Workshops for Conducting Plea Agreements in the Regions

On February 19, Regional Dialogue, in partnership with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held a roundtable discussion to mark the completion of a series of training workshops on negotiated plea agreements for prosecutors and criminal defense advocates. The roundtable provided an opportunity for local trainers to report on the workshops held in the regions, the instructional materials used, and the current practice of implementing plea agreements across the country. In recognition of their exceptional contribution to this project, the trainers were awarded certificates of appreciation jointly issued by the PGO, the Chamber of Advocates, and Regional Dialogue. This project has fostered better understanding between prosecutors and defense attorneys, marking a significant step towards a more independent judicial system.

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