In March of this year, the Transformation Department was established at Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) with the aim of preparing the university for international accreditation conducted by QAA - UK Quality Assurance Agency. As part of Regional Dialogue’s collaboration with TSUL to enhance the educational capacity of legal education, a training session was organized at TSUL's request. The training aimed to strengthen the expertise of professors and legal professionals at TSUL. Accordingly, Regional Dialogue hosted a three-day training session titled "Strategies for the implementation of ESC standards through the improvement of the current curriculum for successful accreditation in QAA" from June 13 to 15, 2023. This training was specifically designed for professors and curriculum staff at TSUL.

Throughout the three-day training, professors and teachers from TSUL familiarized themselves with the best practice principles of contemporary legal education. During the sessions, they discussed the requirements of the QAA UK curriculum (syllabuses), assessment and training based on syllabuses, the impact of syllabuses, the relationship of the curriculum and syllabuses, SMART principle in determining the expected module outcomes, and an important aspects of an assessment.
Working in small groups facilitated the participants' understanding of areas where revisions were needed in the module syllabi to align them with international best practices. This collaborative effort also supported the formulation of individual action plans to pursue QA accreditation.

The training was conducted online by Richard Grimes, an Independent Legal Education Consultant and Visiting Professor at the University of Edinburgh, Charles University, Prague, and New Vision University, Tbilisi, and in person by Stephen Levett, a professor from the University of York, UK, both engaged to the project by RD. The international experts presented best practice principles in modern legal education, which included European Standards and Guidelines (ESR), to their Uzbek colleagues.
The coordination of training was handled by RD in cooperation with TSUL with funding from the U.S. Department of State DRL Bureau.