Uzbekistan Establishes Its First Anti-Corruption Laboratories - Nationwide Movement "Yuksalish"
Uzbekistan Establishes Its First Anti-Corruption Laboratories - Nationwide Movement "Yuksalish"

For the first time in history, Uzbekistan is launching a project on establishing anti-corruption laboratories. The initiative is being implemented by the Nationwide Movement Yuksalish, the Anti-Corruption Agency, with the support of the International Non-Governmental Organization Regional Dialogue (Slovenia). The project on establishing anti-corruption laboratories was presented on December 2 at the international online workshop on ‘Implementing the "integrity vaccine" in public administration’, organized as part of the Anti-Corruption Week in Uzbekistan. The initiative is a large-scale anti-corruption survey that includes eight areas of research. The ultimate goal is to get the most complete picture of the corruption situation at all stages of education, ranging from preschool to higher education. Yuksalish reference: according to the UN, corruption costs the world economy five percent of global GDP, and the annual volume of bribes is $ 1 trillion. In Europe and Central Asia, one in three citizens believes that corruption is a serious problem facing their societies. In Uzbekistan, corruption not only exacerbates the already poor quality of education, but also affects the position of universities in international rankings. Education ranks among the areas that most citizens deal with to different extents, throughout their life. Parents strive to provide their children with access to quality education in the top institutions, but there are not enough best ones for everyone. The education system is one of the most discussed and sensitive topics on social networks. That is why this area was chosen as the starting point for the project to create anti-corruption laboratories. At the first stage of research, they will focus on identifying possible and severe corruption risks, weaknesses in the public education system, specifically, at the stage of admission to primary school. Why is there a shortage of students in some schools, while in others children study in several shifts? What pushes people to commit corrupt acts? Where does the chain of corruption begin and where does it end? What needs to be done to change the situation? To get answers to these questions, laboratory experts will analyze data collected in schools across the country, with the engagement of the general public, volunteers, information from different sources, analyzed from different angles, using different tools, taking into account international practices. Corruption risks will be assessed based on survey results, statistical data, information from law enforcement and financial control authorities, as well as appeals from legal entities and individuals, and special mobile software. Information will be collected and corruption risks will be analyzed on an ongoing basis, and appropriate measures to be taken will be developed every three months. Based on the results obtained and generalized, it is planned to apply the lessons learned in other areas of education, taking into account the relevant problems like recruitment of teachers and distribution of teaching hours and class mentorship, collection of class and school funds, public procurement in the field of general education, enrollment to higher education institutions, bribery between teachers and students. The data collected, analyzed and generalized will be presented as a comprehensive report on corruption risks with balanced recommendations for fundamental change and ensuring transparency in the field of education. It is also expected that similar laboratories will be created to address problems in other areas, such as healthcare and construction. The Nationwide Movement “Yuksalish” calls upon the public and the media to take an active part in identifying corruption processes and monitoring the measures taken based on the results of research, as well as volunteers in conducting surveys and polls. For reference: Anti-Corruption Week in Uzbekistan is currently held by the National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Anti-Corruption Agency, relevant ministries, departments and international organizations. Press Service, Nationwide Movement "Yuksalish"

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